                                          (\)m(/)            | King of animals.               |
                                        (//(q p)\\)          +--------------------------------+
                                        (//\ T /\\)          | The lion male looks plaintive: |
                                        nJ\\|^|//)           +--------------------------------+
                                       ((  \\~//             | The queen is missing.          |
                                       _)) | A |             +--------------------------------+
                                     -=M/  | | |
                                           | | |
                                     B^2  (((A)))
             (\   /)                              ,           +-------------------------------+
              (>_<)                              (#)          | She is rather tensed,         |
                v                                //           +-------------------------------+
              /|^|"-._                          //            | Because she has eaten well,   |
             ( `~'    `._                      //             +-------------------------------+
             |           `-.._               ,"/              | And that must get out.        |
             | ,. . |         `"-._     _,,-","               +-------------------------------+
            / /  `| |       _..- - ",,-",,-""
           / /    | |      "    %  ,-""'
          / d     | |"._    \  -.."U      %
        _/ /      | |   "--."-._ \      %
   ___(((_/______(((/__(((_/_(((_/__ _  _  ___B^2_____
                                 \ `A__' '/
                                 | (_`-)  |
                                 |(  `-.) |
                          /W=-                            +-----------------------------------+
                         (("                              | He is interested;                 |
                          ))                              +-----------------------------------+
                   (\)@(/)u                               | Pheromones tell: "She's in heat!" |
                 (//(Q Q)\\)                              +-----------------------------------+
                 (//\ T /\\)                              | "Auspicious", he thinks.          |
                  (\\|~|//)    %                          +-----------------------------------+
                    \\~//  %
              _____(((A)))_  __%_ ___B^2_____
                        \ `A._' '/
                        | (_`-)  |
                        |(  `-.) |
                      _   _                                    +------------------------------+
                     (o)_(o)                                   | Some time now has passed     |
                      (. .)  ooo                            ,. +------------------------------+
   (\__=/)""--.._    ,- v -. \O/ __,.----._                (##)| Since the days of affection. |
  ,"(_ _)     .  `""/ /\^/\ " /""    _.    `\._             )/ +------------------------------+
 /    v   ,%   )   / |     `-'     /'       ,  `\._        //  | Look, a new lion!            |
(__/%|-|%%%/  /. ,(((/   ,  ,   . (   --==./.')-._ "--..--"/   +------------------------------+
(((,-`~'___.,/-,-..,._,__,_._,_,--Fb====>   )/    "--B^2,-'
   `.)))                      (/r"   ______/
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