On this page you can learn how to fold the depicted bull head.
Take a square sheet of paper and fold it along all four symmetry axes. I recommend to fold the diagonals in both directions.
Put the edges of the sheet on top of the diagonals (all eight possibilities) and crease the paper from the corner till the middle axis:
Use the folds just made to shape the paper as shown:
It is a form with four tips. -
Bend one of the tips backward and then fold it along the lines shown in red so that two isosceles triangles are formed:
Fold the tip, as shown, along the red lines so that a flat pentagon is formed:
Fold the pentagon in along its middle axis:
Along the marked line, fold two small triangles outward:
That will be the chin. -
Use a reverse fold
to fold the two opposed remaining tips to the back:
Because such a reverse fold changes the direction of the diagonal fold, it made sense to crease the diagonals in both directions. -
Fold both tips to the front using inside reverse folds:
These will be the horns. -
Fold the horns upward at a right angle, as close to their base as there is space:
Where the horns come out, fold the last tip to the front. Only the upper layer of the paper should be creased;
the layer on the other side remains uncreased, so that it bulges:
Make another crease parallel to the first one:
You can pinch the lower parts of the sides of the face to make creases that define the zygomatic bones:
Fold the tip of the face to the front, as shown:
If you pinch it from the sides, the edge of the paper should fold back on itself:
Parallel to the creases just made (green), make a reverse fold (red):
Now the face is done. -
On the backside there is a corner (the midpoint of the paper). Pinch it from above and below and fold it over downward:
The two corners on the rear top of the head are folded upward:
Now we are basically done, but the horns possibly do not want to stay in shape:
In that case, the corners at the front of the base of the horns should be folded over:
If you did everything right, the tip of the process originating from the chin should come to lie in the crease of the face: